On line - The goal of this course is to provide occupational health and safety training guidance to farm managers who are responsible for supervising and training employees and workers on the farm.
The course covers the following topics:
- Train the Trainer
- The Importance of Farm Safety Training
- Farm Supervisor Training Responsibilities
- Essential Occupational Health & Safety Training Topics
- How to Train & Deliver Training
- Overcoming Language or Educational Barriers
- Provide Engaging Training
- Assessing Competency
- Supervisor Specific Legislation by Province
Approximately -- 2 hours
There are numerous ungraded formative assessments throughout the course to encourage the learner. There is a Quiz at the end of the course that requires a mark of 80% with the option to try again if a pass is not achieved.
Upon completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.
At all times
Pour toute information
Contactez la personne responsable du dossier à votre fédération.
Suzanne Laplante Conseillère en formation agricole - Outaouais
Collectif en formation - Outaouais
15, chemin de la Grande-Côte bureau 200
Saint-Eustache ((Québec)) J7P 5L3
Téléphone : 819-923-4947
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