Information session | Regulation in driving agricultural machinery
M’inscrireOutaouais - The farmer uses, in the operation of his business, a variety of motor vehicles (farm tractor, van, combine harvester, etc.), but also equipment such as trailers, agricultural machines, tanks, spreaders, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. The purpose of this session is to increase your knowledge through various theoretical presentations, the most efficient way to use your agricultural vehicles while respecting current legislation.
In collaboration with the Société d’assurance automobile du Québec | Roadside inspection, an information session is offered to you FREE OF CHARGE.
Come learn more about:
- Driving license
- Registration
- Loads and dimensions
- Heavy vehicles
- Lashing and loading
- Safety and visibility equipment
- Various prohibitions and other behaviors
- Municipal regulations
- Car insurance and compensation
- Off-road vehicles
Come meet us, get information and even ask your questions to the SAAQ Road Traffic Control agents who will be on site.
In the second part, come and learn more about Health and Safety at work.
- What are your obligations as an employer?
- Changes to the Health and Safety at Work Act
- Taking charge of prevention in your facilities
- The participation of your workers, if you have any
- How we can help you
- You use pesticides, we show you how to protect yourself and with what!
- Dangers and risks for your health
- Risky stages
- Individual protection equipment
- Methods of use
A day full of information! Register now!
A dinner will be offered to you to continue our discussions. We are waiting for you!
Pour toute information
Contactez la personne responsable du dossier à votre fédération.
Suzanne Laplante Conseillère en formation agricole - Outaouais
Collectif en formation - Outaouais
15, chemin de la Grande-Côte bureau 200
Saint-Eustache ((Québec)) J7P 5L3
Téléphone : 819-923-4947
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