On line - This training program is intended to alert individuals of the potential hazards that may be found in and around on-farm grain handling and storage facilities. This is of particular importance to individuals who may not be familiar with such facilities .
Including fire fighters who may have to respond to emergency situations in and around those on-farm grain handling and storage facilities. Additionally this course will act as a reminder to operators and workers of hazards, and will prompt them to enact control strategies to prevent injury and illness..
Once this course has been completed, the learner will have been instructed in the following:
- Identify four categories of the most common hazards associated with the on-farm handling and storage grain facilities.
- Describe control strategies that may be used for addressing these hazards.
- Emphasize the need to develop work and emergency procedures for these facilities.
- Introduction
- The Material
- Grain Transport and Storage
- Stability of Grain Storage Structures
- Confined Spaces
- The Components
- Entanglement Hazards
- Electrical
- Electrical Hazards
- Lock Out / Tag Out Requirements
- Summary
Approximately 45 minutes
Testing conducted in this online Grain Handling and Storage course is designed to reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants are able to repeat the course four times if the pass mark is not achieved.
Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available to download and print. The certificate is valid for two (2) years.
At all times
Pour toute information
Contactez la personne responsable du dossier à votre fédération.
Suzanne Laplante Conseillère en formation agricole - Outaouais
Collectif en formation - Outaouais
15, chemin de la Grande-Côte bureau 200
Saint-Eustache ((Québec)) J7P 5L3
Téléphone : 819-923-4947
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