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Catalogue des formations

Le catalogue U+ recense l’offre complète de formation continue disponible en agriculture. Les thématiques des formations y sont diversifiées, tout comme les modes d’apprentissage (en classe, en ligne ou en mode hybride).

Pour trouver votre formation parmi cette vaste sélection, l’utilisation des filtres vous sera d’une grande aide!

Résultats | 36 formations trouvées

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  • At all time

    Agricultural Machinery Safeguarding

    On line - The training program for safeguarding agricultural machinery for protecting the health and safety of agricultural ...

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  • At all time

    Seasonal Agricultural Workers Health and Safety Orientation

    On line - This training program is for seasonal workers. Workers will learn the basic principles of agricultural health and ...

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  • At all time

    CASA Farm Safety Orientation

    On line - This course is intended for visitors to the farm, and employees of the farm. The health and wellbeing of farm employees ...

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  • At all times

    CASA Tractor & Farm Machinery

    On line - In this course we will discuss Tractor Safety on your farm and provide some awareness training to help ensure that ...

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  • At all times

    CASA All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Awareness Course

    On line - The purpose of this course is to give workers awareness training to safely operate All-Terrain Vehicles. COURSE TOPICS ...

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  • At all times

    Introduction to Grain Handling and Storage Hazards

    On line - This training program is intended to alert individuals of the potential hazards that may be found in and around on-farm ...

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  • At all times

    CASA Farm Occupational Health and Safety Supervisor Course

    On line - The goal of this course is to provide occupational health and safety training guidance to farm managers who are ...

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  • Fin d'année 2023

    Performer dans l’incertitude, un panel de producteurs pour vous inspirer et protéger votre santé

    Municipalité de L’Ange-Gardien - Reportée à la fin de l’année 2023 - Date à confirmer Inscription obligatoire - Minimum de 30 ...

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  • 12 mars 8h30-16h30

    Introduction au « Lean Management »

    En ligne- Introduction au « Lean Management » (ceinture blanche)  Description Les méthodes de gestion traditionnelles ne ...

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